Are You Looking To Launch Your Business With Customers On Day 1?

Do You Want Your Grand Opening Event To Be A Massive Success?

See How We Create An Exceptional Event That Attracts Floods Of Customers To Your Business The Moment You Open Your Doors.

So, What Is The Grand Opening Game Plan?

It's the ultimate guide to creating a massively successful grand opening.

Our proven strategies and tactics have been used over 100 times to create memorable
grand openings that attract massive amounts of customers to your business.

Here's what you'll learn with The Grand Opening Game Plan:

How to craft a winning grand opening that sets the tone for your brand's success.

How to structure your grand opening for success from the beginning.

How customer acquisition has changed and how it affects your game plan.

The impact your grand opening has on the first 6-12 months of your business.

How to dial in on your audience to attract raving fans.

How to create a FOMOGO offer that draws in floods of customers on day 1.

The 7 steps to creating great grand opening ads.

How to gain instant trust with your audience.

How to make your grand opening day a huge hit and flow seamlessly.

What to do if you've already opened, but it didn't go as well as you'd like.

Critical grand opening mistakes you want to avoid and more!

If you want to discover the secrets to creating an exceptional grand opening and turning a lackluster event into a booming success, then The Grand Opening Game Plan is the book for you.

Reserve your copy now and start planning your successful grand opening today!

When You Reserve Your Copy Today... Here's A Small Overview Of What You'll Discover...

Chapter 1:

Why We Wrote This Book

Chapter 2:

What We’ve Learned After 100+ Grand Openings

Chapter 3:

What This Will Cover & Who This Is For

Chapter 4:

Marketing Words You Should Know

Chapter 5:

The Impact of A Great Grand Opening

Chapter 6:

How Customer Acquisition Has Changed

Chapter 7:

Structuring for Success

Chapter 8:

Audience & Attention

Chapter 9:

The FOMOGO Offer

Chapter 10:

Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

Chapter 11:

7 Steps To Winning Grand Opening Ads

Chapter 12:

Getting Local

Chapter 13:

Grand Opening Day

Chapter 14:

What To Do If You’ve Already Opened

Chapter 15:

What Not To Do

Chapter 16:


You Should Never Have To Guess If You Will Have Customers When You Open.

Want to predictably be able to open business after business and have a game plan and system you could implement for each of them?

These are the secrets successful franchises know and use well.

A good business should start off strong and should be predictable.

In The Grand Opening Game Plan, you'll discover all the strategies and tactics that we've used over 100 times to launch successful grand openings that attract massive amounts of customers to businesses just like yours.

Whether you're starting from scratch or revamping your existing business, this book provides a systematic approach to acquiring new customers and boosting your brand's visibility.

No longer is this knowledge reserved for franchises and the marketing elite.

Reserve your copy now and get a FREE Bonus when the book launches!

Here's why your grand opening is so important for you to focus on right now...

It’s Getting Increasingly More Difficult And Expensive

To Make Traditional Businesses Successful

I'll explain.

What do a goldfish and a human have in common?

They have similar attention spans.

Over the last 20 years, the average human attention span has shrunk significantly.

This is mostly due to technology becoming more integrated into our daily lives.

Because we have developed a more intimate relationship with technology,

there's far more competition for our attention than ever.

This doesn't even take into account the fact that

inflation has caused supply chain prices and leases to sore.

This means it's more expensive than ever to be able to run a business profitably.

Without a game plan to help you succeed, it can practically be a suicide mission.

So if that is the playing field, how do you win?

By Having A Great Game Plan

Our Grand Opening Game Plan is our unreasonable advantage that has allowed us to help our clients break grand opening records for their industry over and over again.

...and the same could be true for you as well, once you read our
Grand Opening Game Plan book.

Reserve your copy now and start planning your successful grand opening today!

About The Authors

Heather Cutler

Kris Olivo

Kris Olivo and Heather Cutler are the founders of Almost Magical Marketing.

Almost Magical Marketing is an award-winning marketing agency that specializes in helping franchisees and franchisors grow their brands online.

They deliver a variety of services to their clients using their omnichannel approach to ensure they are receiving the most relevant and effective marketing services.

Currently, they lead their expanding-fast-growth agency with a full team dedicated to working relentlessly to squeeze the most juice for their clients. Together they have helped thousands of businesses.

About The Authors

Heather Cutler

Kris Olivo

Kris Olivo and Heather Cutler are the founders of Almost Magical Marketing.

Almost Magical Marketing is an award-winning marketing agency that specializes in helping franchisees and franchisors grow their brands online.

They deliver a variety of services to their clients using their omnichannel approach to ensure they are receiving the most relevant and effective marketing services.

Currently, they lead their expanding-fast-growth agency with a full team dedicated to working relentlessly to squeeze the most juice for their clients. Together they have helped thousands of businesses.

Reserve now to get a FREE Bonus when the book launches!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Grand Opening Game Plan work for online businesses?

Yes! The Grand Opening Game Plan works for any business.

Does the Grand Opening Game Plan work for franchises?

The Grand Opening Game Plan is especially effective for franchises that need a structured and systematic way of opening their businesses with customers on day 1.

What if I haven't started my business yet?

The Grand Opening Game Plan will help you understand everything that goes into creating a successful business launch and can be applied to any business model once you are ready.

When will the book launch?

The Grand Opening Game Plan is expected to launch March 15th, 2023. If anything changes we will let you know.

Where will the book be sold and in what format?

The book will be available for sale on as well as

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